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发布时间:2024-04-04 03:38:11

How Shenzhen Enterprises Can Register a Suitable English Business Name


When registering a company in Shenzhen, it is essential to choose an appropriate English business name that suits the company's nature and target market. This article will provide a guide on how Shenzhen enterprises can register a suitable English business name, along with the necessary steps and requirements.

1. Compiling Company Registration Documents:

To register a company in Shenzhen, there are several important documents that need to be prepared. These include:

- Proposed company name: The company name should consist of "Shenzhen" followed by a distinctive word or phrase related to the industry and "Limited Company."

- Proof of address for the registered address: The registered address should be a real address with supporting documentation. If an address is not available, companies can contact Anjiabao, a reputable company that provides address hosting services for business registration purposes.

- Registered capital: Companies must determine the required registered capital and be prepared to provide proof of payment within the specified time frame.

- Copies of identification cards for shareholders, supervisors, and legal representatives.

- Company Articles of Association and shareholder resolutions or minutes of shareholder meetings.

- Bank USB keys or physical CA certificates for transaction authentication.

2. Company Registration Process:

The registration process involves several steps:

Step 1: Name Reservation (Free of charge)

Prepare 3-5 names and submit the application to the Shenzhen Market Supervision Administration online using the format: City + Distinctive word or phrase + Industry + Limited Company.

Step 2: Document Submission (Free of charge)

Submit the required documents either online or in person. It is advisable to make an appointment online in advance to save time. The submission process usually takes around 3-5 working days.

Step 3: Collecting the Business License

If the submitted documents are in order, the applicant will receive a receipt and can collect the business license within a few working days. Anjiabao can assist those who wish to expedite the process.

Step 4: Official Seals (Free of charge for the first time in Shenzhen, 300-500 yuan in other cities)

Obtain four official seals: Company seal, Financial seal, Invoice seal, and Legal representative's private seal. It is important to get the seals engraved at a designated shop and file them with the public security bureau.

Step 5: Bank Account Opening (500-1500 yuan)

After obtaining the business license and official seals, companies can open a basic corporate account.

Step 6: Tax Registration

Most tax types are automatically synchronized, but there are exceptions. Companies need to log into the Shenzhen Electronic Taxation Bureau to ensure all the required tax types are activated. If any are missing, they should be registered with the tax bureau. Failure to do so may affect future tax reporting and invoicing.

Step 7: Bookkeeping and Tax Reporting (2000-4000 yuan per year for small-scale taxpayers)

Bookkeeping and tax reporting are crucial monthly tasks. Failure to comply may result in abnormal tax status and penalties. It is advisable to hire a professional accounting firm to handle these responsibilities.

Step 8: Opening a Corporate Account

After obtaining the basic bank account, companies need to apply for a tax control machine and invoice issuance for subsequent business transactions.

Step 9: Social Insurance Account

Companies are required to handle social insurance account setup through the Shenzhen Social Insurance Fund Management Bureau's official website. Social insurance fees are automatically deducted from the corporate bank account.

Step 10: Annual Report Filing

Companies must submit the previous year's annual report within the prescribed time frame. Failure to do so may lead to the company being listed as an abnormal operation and negatively impacting business operations.


Registering a company in Shenzhen and choosing a suitable English business name requires careful consideration and adherence to the proper procedures. By following the outlined steps and requirements, Shenzhen enterprises can successfully register their businesses and start operating effectively in the market. For comprehensive assistance with business registration, accounting, tax planning, trademark registration, and company deregistration, companies can turn to trusted service providers like Anjiabao, which has extensive experience serving over 20 corporate clients nationwide.

Note: The above information is provided as a general guide and should not be considered legal or professional advice. It is always advisable to consult with professionals or competent authorities for specific company registration requirements.




