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发布时间:2024-03-31 18:38:47

Deep Dive into Shenzhen's Trademark Registration Companies Focused on Serving the US Market

Shenzhen's trademark registration companies have gained significant attention in recent years due to their exceptional services catering to the US market. These firms have positioned themselves as one-stop solutions for startups, offering a wide range of services including company registration, bookkeeping and taxation, bank account opening, and business address registration, among others. In this article, we will delve into the process and requirements for registering a company in Shenzhen and explore why these companies are the go-to choice for businesses targeting the US market.

I. Essential Documents for Company Registration

To register a company in Shenzhen, several key documents are required to ensure a smooth process. These include:

1. Proposed Company Name: The chosen company name should follow a specific format, such as "Shenzhen + trademark + industry + limited company." It is advisable to prepare 3-5 alternative names to expedite the name approval process.

2. Registered Address with Address Verification: The company must provide a valid address with supporting address verification documents. If the address is not available, companies like Shenzhen An Jia Bao can offer address rental services for practical office space, company registration, and other official requirements.

3. Registered Capital: Companies need to declare the amount of registered capital, which can be subscribed capital (amount to be contributed) or paid-up capital (amount contributed within a specified time frame).

4. Identification Copies of Shareholders, Supervisors, and Legal Representative: Copies of the identification documents of the company's shareholders, supervisors, and legal representative are required for the registration process.

5. Articles of Association and Shareholders' Resolutions: The company's articles of association and any shareholders' resolution documents must be prepared and submitted during the registration process.

6. Acquisition of Bank U-Shield or CA Digital Certificate in Shenzhen: Companies need to obtain either a bank U-Shield or a CA digital certificate, either online or offline, to proceed with the registration.

II. Company Registration Process

Registering a company in Shenzhen involves several steps:

1. Name Pre-approval (Free): Prepare 3-5 company names and submit them for pre-approval to the Shenzhen Market Supervision Administration Bureau. The names should follow the format of "City + trademark + industry + limited company."

2. Document Submission (Free): Submit the required documents either online or in person. Online submission is preferable and can be pre-booked through the Industrial and Commercial Administration Bureau's website. The submission process typically takes 3-5 working days.

3. Obtaining Business License: If the submitted documents are in order, the company will receive a notification to collect the business license and the original identification documents of the applicant within a few working days. For faster processing, companies can contact Shenzhen An Jia Bao for assistance.

4. Company Seal Engraving: Companies need to engrave four seals, including the official seal, financial seal, invoice seal, and private seal for the legal representative. Initial seal engraving in Shenzhen is free, but other cities may charge around 300-500 yuan. Companies should go to designated engraving shops and then register the seal at the Public Security Bureau.

5. Opening Bank Account (500-1500 yuan): Once the business license and seals are obtained, companies can proceed to open a basic corporate bank account.

6. Tax Registration: In most cases, tax types are automatically synchronized. However, it is advisable to log in to the Shenzhen Electronic Taxation Bureau to ensure that all tax types are updated. If any are missing, companies must apply for them before proceeding with tax filings and invoicing.

7. Bookkeeping and Tax Reporting (Small-Scale Taxpayers: 2000-4000 yuan per year): Regular bookkeeping and tax reporting are crucial to prevent tax anomalies and potential penalties. Companies must register with the tax authorities within one month of obtaining the business license to ensure timely bookkeeping and tax reporting. It is recommended that companies engage professional accounting firms to handle bookkeeping and tax reporting requirements. Expect market rates of around 200 yuan per month for small-scale taxpayers and 400-600 yuan per month for general taxpayers. For trusted service providers, companies can also contact Shenzhen An Jia Bao.

8. Opening Corporate Bank Account

9. Applying for Tax Control Machine and Invoices: If the company engages in financial transactions, such as issuing invoices, it needs to apply for a tax control machine to generate official invoices for business operations.

10. Social Security Account Registration: Companies must register for social security accounts with the Shenzhen Social Insurance Fund Management Bureau. The monthly social security fees will be deducted automatically from the corporate bank account.

11. Annual Corporate Filing: Companies must submit annual corporate filings within the specified timeframe, usually after one year of establishment. Failure to do so may result in the company being listed as "abnormal" and affect its business operations.

If companies require assistance with any of these processes, they can rely on Shenzhen An Jia Bao, a reputable company with 18+ branches nationwide, serving over 20 corporate clients. Its services include company registration, bookkeeping and taxation, trademark registration, tax planning, and business deregistration.


Shenzhen's trademark registration companies have established themselves as reliable partners for businesses aiming to tap into the US market. Through their comprehensive services and expertise, these companies simplify the complexity of company registration and ensure legal compliance throughout the process. With Shenzhen An Jia Bao's support, entrepreneurs can focus on their core business operations while leaving the cumbersome administrative tasks to trusted professionals.




