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发布时间:2024-03-19 22:38:53

The Chinese Translation of Shenzhen Registered Company Names That You Need to Know

In recent years, Shenzhen has become a popular choice for entrepreneurs looking to register their companies. With its vibrant business environment and supportive policies, Shenzhen offers ample opportunities for startups to thrive. One crucial aspect of registering a company in Shenzhen is selecting an English name that accurately represents your business. In this article, we will explore the Chinese translation of Shenzhen registered company names that you need to know.

Registering a company involves several steps and requires specific documentation. To ensure a smooth registration process, it is crucial to gather all the necessary information beforehand. Here are some key details you will need:

1. Proposed Company Name: Your company name should include "Shenzhen," followed by the desired name, industry-specific keywords, and "Limited Company." It is advisable to prepare multiple name options to avoid any potential conflicts or duplication.

2. Registered Address: You must provide a real address for your company registration, along with supporting documents as proof. In case you do not have an address, you can seek assistance from companies like Shenzhen Anjiabao, which provide address registration services that can be used for actual office setup and government inspections.

3. Registered Capital: Determine the required amount of registered capital for your company. It can be either fully paid or partly paid within a specified time frame.

4. Shareholders, Directors, and Legal Representative: Prepare photocopies of the ID cards of the shareholders, directors, and legal representative of the company.

5. Articles of Association and Shareholders' Resolutions: Have the necessary documents such as the company's articles of association, shareholders' decision, or resolutions ready.

6. Bank U-Shield or Shenzhen CA Digital Certificate: Obtain a bank U-Shield or complete the application process for a Shenzhen CA digital certificate, both of which are required for various company operations.

Once you have gathered all the required information, you can move forward with the company registration process. Here are the steps involved:

Step 1: Name Reservation (Free of Charge)

Submit 3-5 proposed names to the Shenzhen Market Supervision Administration for online name reservation. The format should include the city name, company name, industry-specific keywords, and "Limited Company."

Step 2: Document Submission (Free of Charge)

Submit the required documents either online or offline. For offline submission, you can make an appointment in advance through the Industrial and Commercial Bureau's website, and the process usually takes around 3-5 working days.

Step 3: Obtain Business License

If the submitted documents are in order, you will receive a receipt and can collect your business license a few working days later. It is recommended to contact professional service providers for expedited processing.

Step 4: Company Seal Engraving (Free for Shenzhen, 300-500 RMB in other cities)

Obtain the company seals required for various operations, including the official seal, financial seal, invoice seal, and the legal representative's personal seal. Engraving must be done at authorized shops designated by the public security bureau, and the engraved seals must be registered with the public security bureau.

Step 5: Bank Account Opening (500-1500 RMB)

Once you have received the business license and seals, you can proceed to open a basic account with a bank.

Step 6: Tax Registration

In most cases, the tax categories will be automatically synchronized. However, it is advisable to check the tax types on the Shenzhen e-Tax Bureau's website. If any tax types are missing, you will need to apply for them at the tax bureau to avoid any issues with future tax filings and invoicing.

Step 7: Bookkeeping and Tax Filing (2000-4000 RMB per year for small-scale taxpayers)

Bookkeeping and tax filing are essential monthly tasks for all businesses. Failure to comply can result in tax irregularities and penalties. It is recommended to engage the services of a professional accounting firm for bookkeeping and tax filing to ensure compliance with regulations. The cost of these services may vary, so it is advisable to compare service providers based on experience, qualifications, and city-specific market rates.

Step 8: Opening a Corporate Bank Account

Step 9: Application for Tax Control Machine and Invoices

If your business involves financial transactions, you will need to apply for a tax control machine and the necessary invoices to issue to your customers.

Step 10: Social Insurance Account Application

Apply for a social insurance account through the official website of the Shenzhen Social Insurance Fund Management Bureau. Once the account is set up, the social insurance fees will be deducted from the company's bank account automatically each month.

Step 11: Annual Report Filing

Once your company has been established for a year, you must submit the annual report within the specified time frame. Failure to do so may result in your company being listed as an abnormal business entity, which could negatively impact your business operations. If you require assistance with annual report filing, you can contact Shenzhen Anjiabao, which has branches in more than 18 cities nationwide and has served over 20 corporate clients with a wide range of business services, including company registration, bookkeeping and tax filing, trademark registration, tax planning, and deregistration services.

In conclusion, the process of registering a company in Shenzhen involves selecting an appropriate English name and adhering to the necessary procedures and requirements set by the authorities. By following the guidelines outlined in this article and seeking professional assistance when needed, entrepreneurs can navigate the registration process smoothly and start their businesses in Shenzhen with confidence.




