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发布时间:2024-03-18 14:38:16

Article: How to Register a New Company in Shenzhen


Registering a new company in Shenzhen requires following a specific process. This article will provide a step-by-step guide on how to register a company in Shenzhen, along with the required documents and important considerations.

Section 1: Required Documents for Company Registration

To register a company in Shenzhen, the following documents are required:

1. Proposed company name (Shenzhen + name + industry + company type)

2. Valid address proof for the registered address or the option to use a registered address service

3. Minimum registered capital for the company

4. Copies of the ID cards of shareholders, supervisors, and legal representatives

5. Company articles of association and resolutions of the shareholders' meeting

6. Bank U shield or offline application for CA digital certificate

Section 2: Company Registration Process

The company registration process in Shenzhen can be divided into the following steps:

Step 1: Name Reservation (Free)

Prepare 3-5 name options and conduct online name reservation with the Shenzhen Market Supervision Administration. Format the name as: City + name + industry + company type.

Step 2: Document Submission (Free)

Submit the required documents either online or offline. It is recommended to make an appointment online beforehand. The processing time is approximately 3-5 working days.

Step 3: Business License Collection

If there are no issues with the submitted documents, the business license can be collected within a few working days. This will require presenting the receipt and the original ID card of the applicant. Expedited services are available for those who wish to obtain the license quickly.

Step 4: Company Seal Carving (Free for the first time in Shenzhen, 300-500 yuan in other cities)

Carve four company seals, including the official seal, financial seal, invoice seal, and legal representative's personal seal. The carving should be done at a designated seal shop and then registered with the police station.

Step 5: Bank Account Opening (500-1500 yuan)

After obtaining the business license and the company seals, open a basic bank account for the company.

Step 6: Tax Registration

Check the tax types on the Shenzhen Electronic Taxation Bureau website. If any tax types are missing, visit the tax bureau to register them. Failure to register all necessary tax types may impact subsequent tax reporting and invoicing.

Step 7: Accounting and Tax Reporting (2000-4000 yuan per year for small-scale taxpayers)

Accounting and tax reporting are essential monthly tasks. Failure to comply may result in penalties and affect the company's reputation. Companies can outsource accounting and tax reporting to qualified accounting firms or service providers.

Step 8: Opening a Corporate Account

Open a corporate account to handle the company's financial transactions.

Step 9: Application for Tax Control Machine and Invoices

Apply for a tax control machine and obtain official invoices for future business transactions.

Step 10: Social Security Account Application

Apply for a social security account through the official website of the Shenzhen Social Insurance fund management bureau. Once approved, the monthly social security payments will be deducted from the corporate bank account.

Step 11: Annual Reporting

File the annual report within the specified time frame to ensure the company's compliance. Failure to comply may result in the company being listed as an abnormal business entity.


Registering a new company in Shenzhen involves a series of steps and the submission of necessary documents. It is important to carefully follow the registration process to ensure compliance with all legal requirements. Outsourcing certain tasks, such as accounting and tax reporting, to professional service providers can help streamline the process and ensure accurate and timely reporting.




