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发布时间:2023-08-02 09:15:29


Many people are unsure of how to register a company in Shenzhen, therefore, they will hire an agent to help manage the process which will result in additional fees. The cost of registering a company in Shenzhen is not high, ranging at approximately 500 yuan. Some companies may offer discounts, but after registration, the company will need to do accounting and taxation, but the registration is generally a free giveaway. There are some additional fees involved including company name approvals, business registration addresses, and seals.

Registering a company in Shenzhen involves the following additional fees:

1) Company name approval; 0 yuan;

2) Business registration addresses: Starting at 900 yuan/year;

3) Seals: 0 yuan;

Seals in Shenzhen are free of charge. The Industry and Commerce Bureau will send the seal to a nearby seal shop, and it can be collected in approximately three hours. However, if the company needs to change its name, they will need to pay the seal fee which will range between 200 to 500 yuan depending on the number of seals needed.

4) Accounting and taxation

Different accounting agencies have different charges. If you had to quote an accurate price, the fees for small-scale accounting companies are around 2,000 yuan/year. If the company is a general taxpayer, the cost would be around 5,000 to 6,000 yuan/year, or more if invoices are needed to be issued. If the company often goes out to deal with corporate affairs, the fee would also be higher.

5) Bank account opening

Opening a bank account is free of charge, but if an agent is hired to help, they will charge a fee. Opening a bank account involves tedious procedures, which requires a lot of time and effort. Sometimes it may take more than one attempt to complete, so agents earn their money the hard way. After opening the account, banks will charge an account management fee annually, which may vary depending on the bank, but it is generally only a few hundred yuan.

If the company decides to deregister, it is also necessary to cancel the bank account. This is to avoid any fees incurred on the account from being left outstanding.

The materials required for registering a company in Shenzhen are as follows:

1) Company registration application form;

2) Company Articles of Association;

3) Legal shareholder qualifications or natural person shareholder ID card and its copy;

4) Agent ID card and its copy;

5) Proof of address usage.




